The data in KML files following the structure of a code language called XML (eXtensible Markup Language). The structure is not only used for describing geographical data. Below is an example how to the region Scandinavia could be described using XML (not KML).@@ ScandinaviaSweden9500000Norway5000000Denmark5500000 @@The first part tells the computer that this is XML code and also define the method (in this case UTF 8) of translating for example 00100100 (the binary code the data is build of):The rest of the XML code is built on a hierarchical structure were parts start with and end with.Open in Notepad. We will now create a new KML file using Notepad. Start from a empty Notepad document and state that this is a XML document by writing:@@ @@The second part starts the XML code. Copy this row to your document:@@ @@The third part is the actual information that in this case give coordinates for the point Subway.@@ Subway18.05,0 @@The last part end the KML code.@@ @@Save the file with the file extension.kml instead of.txt and open the file in Google Earth.Create also a file with the same placemark but with one additional placemark named T Centralen and with the coordinates: 18.059, 59.331Also save this file with the file extension.kml and open the file in Google Earth.Add layers to Google Maps. Now we will import a KML/KMZ file into Google Maps and learn how to embed Google Maps into a webpage.We need a Google account for this.
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If you don't already have one from before.Google Maps has the following address:Log in to your account and click on the question mark in the lower right corner, then Return to classic Google Maps.Click on My Places and create a new map and give your map a name and import your KML/KMZ file you exported from ArcGIS by clicking at Import.It is possible to edit the maps in Google Maps.If you want to it is also embed the map into a webpage like below.( 'Submit the code for embedding the map on Mondo!' )View Areas in a larger mapMore about how KML files are built can be found here:And more about XML can be found here.